Hi, I'm Shinjin.
I love building games and apps.
Take a look at some of the cool stuff I've made!
Unity, C#, Game development
Frozen Frontier
I worked with a team of 3 to create a game in 72 hours that placed 20th in over 200 entries. Focused around the theme of 10 seconds
Unity, C#, Game development
Co-created a game at the UCR game development club, Gamespawn, where we worked on the project for 2 quraters and eventually published the game to the popular video game distribution service, Steam.
Python, Flask, Poltly
Client Server App
Used Flask to host a web app that uses a kickstarter dataset to create analytics to feature highlights and important characteristics of successful kickstarter campaigns
C++, S.O.L.I.D. Design principles
Terminal Chess Game
Created and implemented chess using the default windows terminal. Made use of common design patterns and principles
Skills & Technologies
The following are a few technologies I have used the past and have experience with.
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688